We are pleased to provide an update on the progress of the Aldinga Beach Road and How Road intersection upgrade, which has reached a significant milestone.

Last week we achieved an important milestone with the first two layers of asphalt successfully installed.

The next milestone, currently underway, is the installation of the roundabout and associated traffic islands, with completion expected by 18 March.

Following this:

  • Final asphalt layers will be laid on 19-20 March over two consecutive night shifts—these will be the last night shifts for the project.
  • Subsequent works, including line marking, road sign installation, and landscaping, will complete the project.

Traffic Management & Community Engagement

We acknowledge recent community concerns regarding traffic impacts and delays. The current traffic management approach prioritises:

  • Safety – Ensuring a safe work environment for crews and road users.
  • Minimising congestion – Giving priority to westbound traffic to prevent queuing onto Main South Road.
  • Efficient delivery – Balancing progress with efforts to reduce disruptions.

To improve traffic flow, a stop-and-go setup was introduced on 21 February to allow eastbound traffic to resume.

Next Steps

  • Completion of roundabout and traffic islands by 18 March.
  • Final asphalt works (19-20 March night shifts).
  • Line marking, signage, and landscaping to follow.

We appreciate the community's patience and will continue to provide updates.


Road closures and detours:

We encourage the community to use alternative routes where possible to avoid delays. Detour routes and traffic management signage will be in place to assist with navigation.

  • How Road South will be fully closed with no access to Aldinga Beach Road at the intersection of How Road and Aldinga Beach Road for the duration of the night works (Displayed in red on the map). A detour will be in place via Starfish Drive - Ochre - Emerald Boulevard. (Displayed in blue on the map)
  • How Road North will be fully closed with no access to Aldinga Beach Road at the intersection of How Road and Aldinga Beach Road for the duration of the night works (Displayed in red on the map). A detour will be in place via Dolphin Boulevard - Pridham Boulevard. (Displayed in blue on the map)

Traffic plans: Traffic management measures, including road closures, detours, and stop-and-go systems, will be implemented as needed.

Community updates: Variable Message Boards (VMS) will be deployed to keep the community informed of any updates.

Additional road closures in the area:

  • Main South Road The Fleurieu Connections Alliance (FCA) will also be undertaking works at the Main South Road and Aldinga Beach Road intersection simultaneously with councils works. Please visit www.fcalliance.com.au for further details.