This consultation has now closed, thank you for providing feedback.

We're now reviewing the feedback and will share the outcomes with you soon.

The Open Space Strategic Management Plan (OSSMP) undergoes council review every five years.

The OSSMP is developed through research, analysis and extensive community engagement. It establishes the principles, planning, and guidance to ensure a variety of interconnected open spaces are equitably provided throughout the city to meet current and future needs of the community.

View the current OSSMP here.

McGregor Tan, a market research firm, has been contracted to undertake the research, engagement, analysis, and reporting, for this review of the OSSMP.

Understanding community needs is critical to the development of the OSSMP and accordingly we are about to commence our first engagement phase which will help us understand how you use our reserves and playgrounds.

The engagement included a survey, as well as 100 hours of face to face interviews at various reserves and playgrounds through the city.

Consultation was open between 27 November 2023 to 29 January 2024.

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Quick Poll

Which would you prefer?

Council is considering two different strategies for park improvements and want to hear your preference.

This poll has concluded.

  • Option A: More playgrounds that have less equipment, and are within a 5-minute walk of most households.
    25% (129 votes)
  • Option B: Less playgrounds that have more equipment, and are within a 10-minute walk of most households.
    75% (389 votes)
Total Votes: 518