
Construction to begin in May 2023

10 April 2024

Construction of the new traffic calming devices on Outlook Drive is scheduled to commence in May and be completed in June 2024.

The primary outcome is to install two traffic calming devices to reduce the speed of vehicles using this section of road. The project will consist of two raised platforms, additional road lighting, associated line marking and road signage. You can view the updated plan here.

The delivery of this project will involve traffic management, which will include reducing the speed limit of the road during construction. Works will be undertaken between 7am-5pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Some out of hours work may be required.

There will be times when sections of the road will require a full road closure and detours will be put in place. Full road closures will be kept to a minimum to reduce inconvenience to the community.

It is anticipated the construction works will take up to six weeks to complete, subject to weather and events outside of council control.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding while this project is delivered.