
Concept plan updated

23 November 2023

As identified in the September update, overall the responses to the consultation were evenly divided between those who supported and those who did not support the project.

Residents who live on Outlook Drive or on a road that intersects with Outlook Drive were mostly supportive of the proposal, with 71% in support, 24% not in support and 5% neutral.

Whilst we acknowledge the varied level of support for the project from all respondents, we place greater emphasis on feedback received from those who live on Outlook Drive, or on a road that intersects with Outlook Drive, as these residents will be most impacted by the proposed traffic calming measures.

We have amended the design in response to concerns raised regarding potential impacts to driveway access and drainage. The flat-top speed hump that was proposed to be installed between College Avenue and Rill Court has been relocated to College Avenue, which will help slow traffic on Outlook Drive as it travels past this intersection. This will also help address concerns raised regarding the safety of children who cross the road at this point to access the nearby school.

The updated plan can be viewed here. We have also developed FAQs in response to the most common feedback received during the consultation.

Funding has been committed towards the construction of this project in the current 2023-24 financial year, with works programmed to be undertaken in the first half of 2024.