
Engagement outcomes

28 September 2023

During the consultation on proposed traffic calming measures on Outlook Drive, Aberfoyle Park we heard from 64 residents through door knocking, a Your Say survey and other correspondence.

Over 70 per cent of people responding to the Your Say survey who live on Outlook Drive or on a road that intersects with Outlook Drive, supported or strongly supported the proposed traffic calming measures. In contrast, only one third of people completing the survey who do not live on Outlook Drive or an intersecting road supported the proposal.

Many of the people who support the proposed traffic calming reported that speeding was an ongoing issue in the street.

Conversely, a similar number of people who do not support the proposal stated that speeding is not a problem in Outlook Drive, and therefore the traffic calming devices are not needed.

Other concerns raised by people who do not support the proposal included that installation of the devices will:

  • lead to increased traffic in adjacent roads because people will avoid Outlook Drive
  • increase traffic noise
  • increase wear and tear or damage to cars and increase petrol use as people slow down and speed up multiple times
  • cause inconvenience to people who do not speed.

Feedback was also received regarding the spacing of the devices and whether speeding would occur between the speed humps. We are continuing to review the feedback received on the proposal and design and will investigate this further to determine whether a third midblock treatment would be warranted.

We will provide a further update once we have completed our review and a decision has been reached.