
Engagement outcomes

25 October 2024

Engagement outcomes and updated concept plan

During the consultation, 214 people visited the Your Say page, and 59 people provided feedback on the draft concept plan through the online survey and drop-in session. The majority of people (84%) who provided feedback by the online survey indicated they were happy with the proposed design.

Additional suggestions and requests were made and noting the engagement feedback, we have included the following changes to the design:

  • Relocating the basketball/netball hardcourt.
  • Moving the picnic table and shelter to be closer to the playground (a new bench seat will be installed closer to David Terrace located under natural shade).
  • Addition of fitness equipment.
  • Play tower updated to include a slide.
  • Handball court line marking on existing concrete slab.
  • Pocket orchard changed to 4 citrus trees.

We also heard the below suggestions, however as these are beyond the service level for a Neighbourhood Family Park and the available budget, we have not included them in the design:

  • Public toilets.
  • Shade structure over play equipment.
  • BBQ.

We also heard requests for a crossing over the creekline to the informal reserve on the north eastern side of the creek. Options for this are currently being investigated.

The updated plan can be viewed here.

Construction is scheduled to take place during the 2024-25 financial year.