

12 April 2023

Consultation on the concept plan closed on 16 May 2022.

Improved traffic control

We have had reports of frequent speeding on this length of road and these reports have been substantiated by our own data collection. It is proposed to introduce a variety of traffic calming devices along the full length of Regency Road. The proposed arrangement between Calomba Crescent and Byards Road will restrict the lane widths through improvements to the kerb alignment and linemarking layout.

We are also proposing to install a central median on the bend to the north of Calomba Crescent. This median will narrow lane widths and thus reducing vehicle speed. We will be reconstructing the roundabout at the southern end of Regency Road at the intersection of Byards Road. This is to improve safety by ensuring that traffic on Byards Road is significantly slowed on approach to the intersection.

The use of Regency Road by buses has been considered and none of these changes will impact the provision of the bus services.

Street lighting

New lights will be mounted on existing stobie poles wherever possible. However, additional street lighting may be necessary over traffic calming devices to meet the relevant Australian Standards and will include new cable installation, columns and lights.


Where possible and not impacted by significant vegetation and underground services, we intend to install footpaths on both sides of Regency Road allowing safe and convenient access for all users. These works will also compliment and extend to the bus stops in the area. They will be provided with a concrete pad and tactiles in line with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 requirements.