
Outcome of engagement on the draft ReCAP

20 December 2023

A total of 240 survey responses were received during the engagement, with 33% of respondents residing in the City of Onkaparinga.

Overall, 61% of survey respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the priorities in the draft ReCAP will make a difference to reduce emissions and prepare for climate change in our region.

The majority of survey respondents were supportive or strongly supportive of the draft outcomes under each of the four themes of action for the ReCAP. Support ranged from 73.8% for ‘Grow cooler, greener, biodiverse environment’ to 66.7% for ‘Transition towards a low carbon region’.

A range of themes also emerged from the feedback including:

  • Support for strong and timely climate action.
  • Significant support for climate actions such as protecting and enhancing green space, native vegetation and biodiversity, reducing council and community emissions, education and supporting the community and responding to climate risks.
  • Concern that actions are not specific, measurable or time bound.
  • Concern that development is contributing to climate change and a lack of resilience, and that councils are not doing enough to change this.
  • Acknowledgement of the strong link between acting on climate change and supporting community wellbeing and liveability.
  • Concern about the impact of the plan on rates or cost of living.

You can read more about the engagement outcomes in the ReCAP Engagement Summary.

The draft report will now be reviewed with reference to the feedback received, and the final Resilient South Regional Climate Action Plan will be presented to all four councils for approval in the first half of 2024.