
Engagement outcomes

25 January 2024

During the consultation 278 people visited the Your Say page and 36 people provided feedback on the draft playground design through the online survey and on-site drop in session.

Through the engagement a lot of feedback was received regarding the park and playground design.

Some common requests we heard but unfortunately can’t include due to being outside of the service standard and scope of the project were:

  • a half or full basketball court
  • a pump track or skate park
  • off-street parking due to parking congestion on Richards Drive at peak times.

There have been no changes to the equipment proposed, however the following additional features have now been added:

  • two curved benches, near the double swings and tricell
  • one additional tree near the existing seating
  • two rock cricket stumps on the irrigated lawn area.

The final concept plan can be viewed here.

Construction is scheduled to take place during the 2024-25 financial year.