Latest update

Sellicks Beach Code Amendment by the Chief Executive, Department for Trade and Investment now initiated.

The Chief Executive of the Department for Trade and Investment (the Department) is seeking to amend the Planning and Design Code to rezone land at Sellicks Beach to facilitate the managed residential growth with the appropriate civil infrastructure as well as social, recreation, commercial and retail services to support the growing population.

The rezoning of the affected area, referred to as the Sellicks Beach Growth Area is approximately 130 hectares and currently zoned Rural and Deferred Urban will enable a new master planned development catering for 1700 new homes.

A map of the area affected by the code amendment can be viewed here.

A ‘Proposal to Initiate’ was submitted to the Minister for Planning in March 2023 and approved by the Minister in July 2023.

In parallel to the Code Amendment, the state government Housing, Infrastructure, Planning and Development Unit (HIPDU) is working with all major stakeholders to ensure appropriate agreements are in place to facilitate coordination, funding, timing and the delivery of critical infrastructure – delivered either via Infrastructure Schemes or other agreement types such as deeds and conditions of approval.


The Code Amendment process will occur in accordance with the Community Engagement Charter. The Department will prepare and lead the engagement on the proposed Code Amendment.

Further information on the Sellicks Beach Code Amendment can viewed via the PlanSA portal here.

Background information

FINAL OUTCOMES - Sellicks Beach Structure Plan

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and participated in the community information sessions earlier this year to help shape the draft Sellicks Beach Structure Plan.

A key element of the engagement for the draft Sellicks Beach Structure Plan was to understand the community’s vision for the future development of Sellicks Beach. The engagement process was successful and has given us a clearer understanding of the community’s vision for Sellicks Beach.

The Sellicks Beach community was actively engaged in the community consultation process and as a result there have been differing opinions and a range of views. A summary of the process, methods and analysis of the comments received are contained in the Community Engagement Feedback Report, which was presented to Council at its Strategic Directions Committee meeting on 4 February 2021. All consultation responses were reviewed in detail, and to capture the feedback received, the draft Structure Plan was amended.

The final version of the Sellicks Beach Structure Plan has now been endorsed by Council at its meeting held on 18 May 2021. As an attachment to the Structure Plan, Working Design Guidelines have also been added to address some of the key feedback themes and encourage exemplar development for Sellicks Beach, using best practice standards that achieve the Structure Plan’s objectives.

The Structure Plan will guide and coordinate future planning decisions and growth in Sellicks Beach in a manner that respects the unique lifestyle and character, protects the environment and improves community wellbeing. Council will now be in a strong position to respond to any future rezoning and land division proposals by development proponents, backed by the community feedback and technical investigations, and will be able to base conversations with the State Government on the objectives and principles of the Structure Plan and the Working Design Guidelines.

We thank you again for participating in the preparation of the Sellicks Beach Structure Plan.

What should guide future Sellicks Beach development

What are the issues and opportunities that need to be considered?

What should Sellicks Beach look like in the future?
