
Engagement outcomes

19 January 2024

During the consultation period over 570 people visited the Your Say page, and we received 68 comments and questions. Through analysis we found there was strong support for the shared use path, however some concerns were raised regarding vehicle speed, path safety, extending the path and design.

Responding to this feedback, we have been in discussion with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) who owns and manages Tatachilla Road and our internal design team, resulting in the implementation of proactive measures to enhance safety.

Enhanced Safety Measures being implemented:

  • Speed Limit Reduction:
    • The speed limit along a specific section of Tatachilla Road will be lowered from 70km/h to 60km/h, notably at the pedestrian crossing and Caffrey Street intersection.
  • Design Priorities:
    • Safety is at the forefront of the path's design, featuring kerb buildouts for a visible and designated crossing point.
  • Warning Signage:
    • Clear delineation and warning signs on approaches will enhance safety at the crossing point.

Extending the path

Council's Project and Capital Works program includes a project to extend the current footpath network by constructing a new footpath on the northern side of Tatachilla Road, from Caffrey Street to Hardy Avenue. This project is set to be completed in the 2024/25 financial year, pending budget approval.

Path Design

The chosen crossing point design ensures clear visibility for shared use path users, reducing road crossing distances. Traffic volume considerations ensure sufficient gaps throughout the day for safe road crossings.

Whilst other crossing types were considered, they were ruled out due to road reserve width constraints, distance from the college, and demand patterns throughout the day. The crossing point across Caffrey Road will also include standard kerb ramps for accessibility.