
Construction is commencing

8 November 2023

We listened during the consultation stage and as much as we wanted to include everything you asked for, unfortunately, during the process of finalising the design and engaging a contractor to construct the upgrade the project was found to be over budget requiring some elements to be removed. A copy of the final concept plan is available at the following link.

Plot Works will be delivering the new playground and upgraded reserve amenity and do not envisage any road closures as part of the project.

You will notice some truck movements on local roads, and general construction activity within the reserve.

Plot Works will also endeavour to minimise disruption to residents and will work within mandated council guidelines with respect to working hours and environmental controls.

Work will commence mid-November 2023 are scheduled for completion in April 2024.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we deliver this exciting upgrade.

If you have any concerns regarding or during the work, please contact:

  • Plot Works Office – 8293 3376
  • Plot Works Project Manager – Jamie Walker, 0476 229 877; or
  • City of Onkaparinga – Luke Hanckel 8384 0666