
Previous updates

25 August 2022

We recently sought feedback from the community about council's water assets

We thank everyone who provided feedback and we'll report back after council's August meeting to advise the next steps.

The City of Onkaparinga currently owns and operates two licensed water utilities:

  • a Community Wastewater Management Scheme (CWMS)
  • a Water Business Unit (WBU) that captures and stores recycled and stormwater for resale to local businesses

Most metropolitan councils do not manage wastewater, however in Onkaparinga we currently service several areas that do not have access to SA Water's wastewater network. The CWMS is an essential public and trade waste service provided to around 4500 households and businesses, mainly in the rural or township parts of the city.

We also provide recycled water for the irrigation of public spaces. The WBU assets harvest recycled water and stormwater which can then be pumped to irrigate ovals, parks and open spaces. These assets provide a sustainable alternative to mains water supply.

A significant investment is required to maintain and improve the operation of our stormwater recycling assets, and any future expansion of the network for the CWMS.

As a result, council is seeking feedback from the community about the future management of council's water assets.

Future price, service, and operating performance for the council and ratepayers are all important, as are risk, environmental and water security considerations. Any final recommendation to Council will ensure those requirements are fully satisfied.

Consultation ran from 14 June to 13 July 2022.