Project update November 2024

The transformation of the riverfront area continues to progress well. Here's a look at the latest developments:

  • Rock walling, river access paths, and carpark construction are nearing completion.
  • Construction to formalise Mann Street is almost complete and will provide direct access to the precinct.
  • Upcoming works include finalising the new toilet block, carpark, and stormwater upgrades, as well as planning for the installation of the central shelter and seating.

We will continue to share updates as the project progresses.

Image showing the project progress up to November 2024

Stage 2 concept plan of the riverfront

The council-approved Stage 2 design includes:

  • expanded aquatic launch area with two beach access ramps.
  • viewing shelter with seating.
  • new public toilet and outdoor shower.
  • reconfigured car park.
  • improved access to the precinct and traffic management.

You can view the full project plan here.

image of riverfront concept
  • Engagement outcomes

    Community feedback on the original draft redevelopment concept plan was sought between 21 May and 9 June 2018, and the designs have evolved since in response to ongoing liaison with key stakeholders, aimed at achieving a functional balance between aquatic use, events, open space, car parking and commercial use.