
Cycleway options analysis 2019 - 2020

6 August 2023

The Trails and Cycling Strategic Management Plan (TCSMP) sets our service level and identifies a major east/west network gap between Aldinga and Willunga.

In 2019 the South Australian Government’s Fund My Neighbourhood program enabled the community to submit ideas/projects for funding up to $150,000. Multiple requests for cycle links between Aldinga and Willunga were submitted for consideration.

The City of Onkaparinga subsequently received $150,000 external funding from the South Australian Government Fund My Neighbourhood program to further investigate a Aldinga-Willunga Cycleway and an Options Analysis investigating the following routes was undertaken.

The Options Analysis identified the following:

  • All options cater to the target markets/groups in the TCSMP
  • All options significantly exceed the external funding ranging from $2.84M-$6.14M
  • Option 1 and Option 2B are the only options that provide direct cycling connections to the townships of Aldinga and Willunga
  • Option 1 has an estimated construction cost of $2.84M and is the cheapest of the options investigated. Option 1 is also $2.85M cheaper than Option 2B
In relation to the other options investigated:
  • Option 2A provides a connection to Aldinga in the west. The eastern connection however, is approx. 1.3km north of Willunga at the intersection of Gaffney Road and the Coast to Vines Trail and requires users to cross Victor Harbour Road and main Road, Willunga.
  • Option 3 provides a connection to Willunga in the east. However, it does not connect to the Aldinga in the west. The western section will also be impacted by the Main South Road duplication project and the future development of the Housing SA land



Estimated cost

TCSMP Target Groups

Direct Connection




6.7 km

$2.84 million





7.1 km

$6.14 million





7.4 km

$5.69 million





6.3 km

$5.7 million




Consultation with the Department of Planning and Transport and internal stakeholders also identified Option 1 as the preferred.

Taking into account the original community feedback, and in accord with the South Australian Government Fund My Neighbourhood criteria, a design for the Aldinga Willunga cycleway was developed.

The identified cycling route was one of the shortest cycling routes explored and provided a direct connection to Aldinga and Willunga and included:

  • On-Road cycling
    • Flour Mill Rd will provide on-road cycling via improved signage and widened road shoulders where possible
    • A transition point that will enable cyclists to transition between the on and off-road cycleway components.
  • Off-road shared use path for pedestrians and cyclists
    • The northern Aldinga Road verge will include a separated off-road shared use path
    • The path will be set back from the road carriage way, thereby separating vehicles and path users
    • The path will connect to the existing Willunga footpath network
    • Amendments / alterations to the Victor Harbor Road access ramps and area beneath the bridge to accommodate the off-road shared-use path will be required.

In 2020 we sought feedback from the community about localised issues that should be considered as part of any future design and we have undertaken extensive work to identify and refine the safest and most appropriate alignment within budget and site constraints. To view the additional project information please click here.