
Engagement outcomes

13 September 2023

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the design of the Willunga to Aldinga shared use path.

Some of the things we heard during the engagement were:

  • Safety concerns where the path crosses driveways and at some intersections
  • Concerns about the width of the verge/median separation between Aldinga Road and the path in sections where 0.5m separation is provided
  • A strong interest by residents and Friends of Willunga Basin (FOWB) group in minimising impacts to trees
  • Concerns about stormwater and road runoff management.

We have reviewed the plans for both sections of the path following the consultation.

Plans for Section 1 Flour Mill Road/Free Lane have now been finalised. The point where the path crosses from the northern to the southern side of Flour Mill Road has been repositioned approximately 150m west.

Construction of this section of the path is expected to begin in September.

We are continuing to work with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) on finalising plans for Section 2 Aldinga Road, including addressing safety concerns.