

12 April 2021


Community Engagement was undertaken in September 2020 to consult with the community on the desired outcomes of the project, gather information to be considered during the design and construction process and to inform the community and stakeholders of the project.

The engagement allowed the community to express their views on the concept design with the majority of people interacting with both the social media posts and Council’s Your Say website supporting the concept. The Yoursay survey as part of this engagement had 81 people (64%) support the concept and 45 people (35%) not support the concept. On Facebook, 934 people (99.7%) had positive reactions to the concept.

Recognising that the coast of our council is significant to Kaurna in the context of the Tjilbruke Dreaming Track, council remains focussed on the continued engagement with Kaurna to ensure that cultural considerations can be incorporated into the project. While these important discussions with Kaurna may take time, this is a critical part of the project that cannot be compromised.

Read the full Engagement Feedback Report.