Latest Update

Great news! The playground is now open for use.

There is still some fencing up around the kick about area, to allow for the establishment of the hydroseed turf. The fencing will be removed on Thursday 1 August 2024.

Community engagement outcomes

Thank you for providing feedback on the design of the Woodswallow Park upgrade. There was strong support for the upgrade, and we will be incorporating the common themes below that emerged from the community engagement:

  1. Added basketball keyway
  2. Park seat near playground

During the consultation, 357 individuals visited the Your Say page, 37 participated in the online survey, and 37 joined the drop-in session.

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The upgrade is expected to be undertaken within the 2023-24 financial year subject to approval through Council’s annual budget process.

A concept plan has been developed that includes playground equipment, an upgraded irrigation system, tree planting, shrub planting in the garden beds and an additional footpath.

Consultation for this park upgrade was undertaken from 21 November to 12 December 2022