We asked the community to share their thoughts on the proposed improvement to the gateways into Ramsay Place, Noarlunga, through in person meetings and an online survey.

In response to the community support, we will continue to the construction stage for gateway 1 as proposed. The concept plan will consider the feasibility of adding additional lighting and CCTV for Gateway 2 and staff will request Council’s maintenance team identify and rectify any trip hazards across the sites.

Construction for Gateway 1 is scheduled to commence in early 2025.

Council would also like to thank State Government for part funding the project through the Community Infrastructure Grants Program and the support from the Member for Kaurna, Minister Chris Picton and Member for Reynell, Minister Katrine Hildyard.

For full details of the engagement outcomes refer to Engagement outcomes.

In reply to further suggestions from respondents during the engagement period we provide the following responses. Click on a heading to read each response.

CCTV exists at Gateway 1 so no further changes to Gateway 1 proposed improvements will be required however this will be considered for Gateway 2.

Additional lighting requests have been considered; however, cannot be afforded within the current project budget. The soft lighting proposed for the entrances will allow people to see into shadowed areas, guide a person through the space and create an ambience.

Aboriginal culture is already an existing focus in Ramsay Place, being a central cultural place in the region. It has been considered and determined that further presentation at the gateways would weaken this focus.

Renaming the area is beyond the scope of this project and will not be considered in the final concept. It is important to note that this place is named after the former General Manager of the South Australian Housing Trust, Alexander Maurice Ramsay.

The project scope is not seeking to include public art; however, this could be a consideration for any future works in Ramsay Place.

Council’s maintenance staff will seek to identify and resolve any trip hazards at the gateways.