Latest Update

We recently sought feedback on the potential land revocation at Highwray Drive, Morphett Vale. A report containing this feedback was presented to Council on 19 July 2022.

Having considered the submissions received both for and against the revocation process during the community engagement process, Council moved at its 19 July 2022 meeting to proceed with the process to revoke the land at 23 Highwray Drive from its community land classification. This decision also aligns with previous Council decisions which identified the former community building as surplus to requirements, and that the adjacent Wakefield Reserve provided appropriate open space for this district.

Community engagement is one consideration for elected members in the decision-making process for land revocations. Other considerations include the management of surplus land and the need to ensure proposed divestments benefit the broader community by ensuring council resources are directed to where they’re most needed. Funds raised by disposal of the land would be directed to priority projects as per council’s Long Term Financial Plan. The potential to provide further housing in a tight housing market is also a consideration.

Council will now forward a request to the Minister for Local Government seeking approval to revoke the subject land from its community land classification to enable disposal.

A final update report will be presented to Council once the minister’s decision has been received. At this time, Council can also resolve to place ongoing control measures on the land as part of the disposal process which may include a Land Management Agreement (LMA) to increase the protection of the regulated tree and/or control development to a lower density criteria than the current zoning permits. Council members then make a decision, to enable finalisation of the revocation and disposal process.

To view the outcomes, see the Council Minutes 19 July 2022 and the Engagement Feedback Report.


We are keen to hear your thoughts on what council should do with the land and vacant building. The area of the subject land is marked in red on the land portion location map and measures approximately 2000 square metres in total.

During 2020 we consulted with the community regarding options and the potential land revocation at 23 Highwray Drive, Morphett Vale. Due to the project being placed on hold for some time while we reviewed our land revocation process, we are consulting with the community again and will consider all options.

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