
Additional background information

7 August 2023


Following numerous submissions to the state government Fund My Neighbourhood program regarding a cycle link between Willunga and Aldinga, in 2020 we engaged with the community and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) on potential path alignments.

We received 99 pieces of feedback to the alignment options consultation with alignment along Flour Mill Road and Aldinga Road identified as the preferred option by most respondents. You can read more about the background and alignment options analysis on the cycleway options analysis 2019 - 2020 information page.

Since the options consultation we have undertaken extensive work to identify and refine the safest and most appropriate alignment within budget and site constraints.

Council has now received $3 million in state government funding towards construction of the path with the remainder of the cost included in Council’s draft budget for 2023-24.

Path Alignment

The final alignment will travel along Flour Mill Road, Free Lane and Aldinga Road.

This alignment is consistent with the preferred route identified by the majority of stakeholders during the 2020 consultation but includes Free Lane to avoid the diagonal section of Flour Mill Road and the interface with Peats Soils.

Construction of the path will be completed in two sections.

Flour Mill Road and Free Lane section:

This section is along council owned and maintained roads and will be constructed in parallel with the planned Flour Mill Road, road reconstruction.

The path along this quiet section of local roads will include on-road and off-road cycling:

  • The section between the South Road intersection and Adey Road/Paddys Row intersection of Flour Mill Road will be on-road cycling.
  • The rest of the Flour Mill Road section will be a 2.5m wide off-road shared use path.
  • The section along Free Lane will be on-road cycling.

It is anticipated that construction on this section of the path will begin in August 2023.

Information on the interface between this section of the shared use path and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) Main South Road duplication and Port Road intersection can be found on the Fleurieu Connections Alliance website.

Aldinga Road section

This section is along the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) managed roadway and the design requires DIT approval.

The whole section along Aldinga Road will be a 2.5m wide off-road shared use path.

In addition to construction of the path this section will involve:

  • relocation of bus stop #100 on Aldinga Road (north side) approximately 50 metres west and
  • changing the speed limit on Aldinga Road east of Pethick Road to the Willunga township to 60km/h.

A detailed plan showing montages of sections of the path can be found here. Further information is also available in the Frequently Asked Questions.